Friday, January 18, 2008

What have you been doing so long papa? That was the question that was asked. How do you explain to a grandchild that you maintain a power plant?

Well I thought I would show you some of what I do.
This is some pictures of a overhaul that we are doing on the unit 1 gas turbine and steam turbine. Combined cycle.
This is the compressor that compresses the air and makes it denser. And then it goes into the gas turbine where it is added to the natural gas and is started on fire. The turbine starts turning and the generator shaft and the steam turbine shaft turns also. Once the air get through the gas turbine he hot air flows through a boiler and makes steam.

Then the steam is fed into the steam turbine that helps turn the generator rotor. The generator turns and creates electricity.
Pretty simple huh?
When we align the all these components they have to be within .003 thousands of an inch. From end to end. That is the thickness of your hair. The components spin at 3600 rpm. If they are out of balance or not in line, they will come apart. Aaaah, Blow up. Its a lot of work to make electricity.
All the parts are really heavy. The compressor weighs about 10 tons. The generator rotor is about 45 tons and the steam turbine weighs about 41 tons.
Love Papa


Unknown said...

He's a smart papa.

Michelle Bebe said...

i think you should take her to take your daughter to work day. she would have her mouth open the whole time!

Unknown said...

What good is a blog if you don't update it? Update, update, update, update.

Michelle Bebe said...

offical update request.

mom didn't you just finish a baby blanket?

post some pictures!