Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Years Day

Well, New Years was fun. We had some of our grandkids to stay over with us. Nash, Guhner and Addison. Oh and Bryan and Michelle stayed with us also.;) Emma and Merrek stayed with Deanna and Donny. They went to the Insight Bowl. In Tempe. Marcus first went to Tyler’s and then Jared and Marcus went to Eric and Christine’s to spend the night playing Rock Band.

New Years day was fun. I got up and made breakfast and had Addison and Nash help me. We had breakfast and then I call Oasis Golf Course for a Tee time. Had Eric, Bryan, Jared, Marcus and Donny go. We all got a lesson in humility as the wind was blowing and we found out that our Golf Balls are magnets. Every time we hit them they were attracted to a house or a car! Just kidding!!!! We had a great time. All the Girls stayed at the house and did girl stuff. Grandma was in heaven having all her kids at home. Its fun to have all of them home and we enjoy every minute of it.

Late in the afternoon Deanna and Donny took Emma and Merrek to the movies and the rest of us went to E&C house to play Rock Band. Had a great dinner and talked and enjoyed each others company. I was humbled that Eric downloaded a song from Creedance and I realized even though I know the song, I don’t know the song!!!!

“I believe at least trying is far better than living vicariously thru your kids experiences”. I tried Rock-Band and know now that it is better to live vicariously. I REALLY stunk. I can’t even play the radio and my kids wanted me to play rock band!?!?! Mom did great. It was fun to have an occasion to be together.


Gratuitous Picture of Eric's Elk!!


Christine said...

Way to go Dad! Keep blogging!

Unknown said...

Everyone is dressed in Red & Black.

Michelle Bebe said...

wow i am so impressed. good job dad! you are already a PRO!